A plea to writers – save Rastakhan!


I’m writing this perhaps in vain but I have to give it a try.

A lot of people grown to like King Rastakhan and began to oice their protest of losing him early. He is flawed character but he still have lots to show and this is why possibility of losing him this soon will feel underwhelming and unsatisfying because for such an anticipated character (legendary ruler of Zandalar) much more should be done.

I know that since Rezan was disposed Rastakhan will eventually go to the Other Side to Bwonsamdi, but after all this trouble he went through I believe he should be given time to fix some of his matters before it happens. I know that you’re setting up Talanji to be the next ruler but doing it this fast would make people backlash on her and blame her for replacing her father and I’m sure that was not your intention.

In order to avoid it, I’d suggest to make Rastakhan survive the raid and make him remain alive preferably til the end of expansion. This will not only be less predictable given the WoW story foreshadowing record but it would also provide more room for in-depth development. Give him time to show the wrath of Zandalari for assaulting his city, show him realizing that he should’ve put more trust in people that love him unconditionally – like his daughter rather than a councilor who had amazing gift but turned out to be untrustworthy.

Let him nominate Talanji to be in charge of the remaining fleet and orchestrate counter attack (so she will still have the active role), and join her later to share with her some remaining time and knowledge, it would be much more meaningful for him and for her. Show Talanji’s love for her father, how she dreads losing him and her anger directed at people that wanted to take him away from her and for assaulting her home.
This way she will lose this “strong woman leader that needs no man!” tag people accuse her of.
Let them have a serious talk about Bwonsamdi being nominated to be prime loa of Zandalar now.

This would be much more satisfying writing because you’d allow further exploration of the character, letting us see how they change and grow. Seeing Rastakhan bonding more with Talanji as father and daughter would benefit both for them and make Talanji’s ascension less forced.

How to handle it raid mechanic wide?
– maybe at 5% let Rastakhan throw entire alliance party from top of pyramid with some Loa powers (like Pa’ku?)
– make Talanji appear to save him or Rokhan – it would show Horde in less incompetent view.
– Bwonsamdi opening a deathgate which would actually be a passage to safety. In the end Bwonsamdi appeared to like Rastakhan in last cinematic so I’m sure he would like to keep him for a bit longer even if it would be for sheer amusement.

That is up to your liberty, but Rastakhan should be with us for a bit longer.

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