Zandalari wishlist

I have to admit I’m quite hyped over Zandalar. It’s my dream coming true to finally visit troll civilisation that is intact, where instead of killing trolls we side with them and learn about them. I have to admit I let out huge sigh of relief that Zandalar will not only be friendly to Horde but this will be actual hub for entire expansion.

But here is list of things that would make this experience the best for me.

  1. I really hope Zandalaries will have access to paladin class, ever since I saw Praletes in ToT raid infusing power of Loa I wanted one badly. They would look beautiful in golden armor on raptor that is decoated with  various golden medalions. They look aesthetically pleasing and their lore supports it. Horde will have a race that truly stands out as paladin, and while I like concept of Sunwalkers I still feel they were mishandled in a way. It would be great to rename some skills for them aswell (or give original name in brackets in this case). But I feel it would be too much to ask.
  2. There is something I’m not a big fan off in Zandalari models – they have glowing eyes. I thought that in MoP it was due to them being infused with Thunder King’s powers as all trolls had normal eyes with pupils. This new design therefore confuses me. Also when you consantly have glowing eyes it’s taking a lot from personality and makes them all look like death knights. So I really hope there will be an option to at least pick type of eye and eyecolour for them. Sylvanas was many times portrayed with glowing red eyes, however in cinematic she had normal ones with red irises – so I suppose you agree that normal eyes are much better to show expressions. I made a sloppy edit to show what I mean:
  3. I suppose this one is an error due to game being early shown to exploration and still having it’s issues. In demo we saw Zandalari NPCs to be at height of jungle troll female, – that is quite small for a troll, and this race is meant to be very tall. I realise that due to troubles like being unable to fit through doors their models should be scaled down, but they should be at least by tiny bit taller than Darkspear trolls, and reaching the same height as Tauren male does.
  4. This is actually a very important issue for me, and I heard that it will be indeed adressed by devs. Yet to stress it out : I really hope that at least some night elf male animations will be replaced either to typical troll ones or deliver custom ones to Zandalari. I understand that for MoP it could’ve been shrugged off. But now we have a chance to enhance them so they truly stand out…. and because nelf animations looks quite goofy on them. I’m gonna provide my own concepts and say why I think this would be better. (the female one is just optional, and drawn for fun), but the most glaring animations were the sitting one, idle and shooting.
  5. Bath house in Zuldazar. I know it’s a weird request and seems to be a non issue, but I think this kind of detail in city would be fantastic, and it would be a nice reference to Shadows of the Horde novel.
  6. Trolls had empires not kingdoms, so shouldn’t it make more sense for Rastakhan to have title or emperor then? If not, Guru seems to be a great title for head of Zandalar tribe. Guru is a teacher that often has religious authority, seeing that Zandalari are heavily sholar/ priest society it would fit quite well. But perhaps it’s too late to ask for that.
  7. Zandalari druids. So far we were known that the only exclusive form for them would be travel one. That is quite disappointing, considering that they had a record of transforming to direhorns as dinomancers. Personally I believe there is no point of adding Zandalari to be druid class if at least in Guardian specialisation they cannot transform to Direhorns. You could come up with Jaguar for cat form and made up specific Loa for them as it would still fit that Mesoamerican theme. I really hope that developers would at least reconsider this one option, as I personally see no point of investing time and effort into halfproduct. During MoP period creative players came up with ideas to implement for trolls direhorn form instead of bear, with Zandalari it would be one huge waste of oportiunity:

2 thoughts on “Zandalari wishlist

  1. Love the idea of a direhorn instead of a bear. Imagine all the race and faction transfers! I don’t usually like druid, but I’d definitely play one on the side if they had a direhorn form or something similar.


    • Well yea it should’ve been no brainer for Zandalari and it’s gonna be a huge disappointment if they will morph to bears out of nowhere like any other druid. I am one of those people that prefers to do job right, if not to not do it at all.


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